ABP belongs to a number of industry bodies that support the growth and development of the forestry sector. For more information on the organisations, please click on the links below.
Green Triangle Forest Industry Hub (GTFIH) ABP is a very strong supporter of the GTFIH, a collaboration of nine forestry companies, with the goal of expanding the plantation forestry and the wood fibre industry, in the Green Triangle Region.
Australian Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is the primary industry body representing all aspects of the value chain. ABP is a member of the Growers chamber and a strong supporter of the newly formed Australian Forest Industries Diversity and Inclusion Charter.
Forest and Wood Products Australia (FWPA) Is a not-for-profit company with a goal of improving cross industry communications and access to national research and development opportunities for the Australian forestry sector.
Forest Industry Advisory Council (FIAC) Established by the Australian Government, ABP is a member of this council, providing advice from a cross-section of industry participants on issues affecting Australia’s forestry sector.
Victorian Forest Products Association (VFPA) & Forest Industries Federation of Western Australia (FIFWA) ABP is represented by these organisations who promote and advocate the forest industry position to government directly and through the media and the public.
The Industry Plantation Management Group (IPMG), formed in Western Australia, supports the Bluegum plantation industry by conducting research and providing information regarding sustainable pest and disease management in eucalypt plantations. This industry collaborative has expanded its focus to also include research and development projects in silvicultural management.
ABP benefits greatly from a number of industry led safety initiatives, including the Safe Freight Networks and the Logging Investigation & Training Association (LITA) Fatigue Working Group.
ABP also participates in a number of forest owner safety system and training programs, including the Shared Auditing and Truck Roll-Over Training Programs. The Shared Auditing Program standardises the auditing process, shares results between forest owners and reduces the burden of multiple forest owner’s audits. The Truck Roll-Over Training Program, specifically tailored to the timber industry, continues to raise awareness of ways drivers can prevent truck roll-overs.
ABP is a strong supporter of local fire brigades, with crews and equipment ready to work closely with the Country Fire Authority (CFA) in Victoria, the South Australian Country Fire Service (CFS) and Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) brigades. While some staff volunteer directly with these organisations, ABP supports these fire agencies not only on the fire line, but also by participating in strategic decisions regarding fire management.
ABP is a member of the Green Triangle Fire Alliance, a group of forest owners, natural resource management groups and local police, in both South Australia and Victoria, working to prevent illegal logging and firewood cutting activities, and protect natural vegetation and habitat.
ABP is a member of the Forestry Industries Federation WA (FIFWA) Fire Alliance in Western Australia focusing on a collaborative approach to fire preparation and suppression.
ABP is a member of the Green Triangle Freight Action Plan Group, a cross border group of state and local government departments (VicRoads, Transport SA, Glenelg Shire, and Grant Shire) and the timber industry, formed to discuss and propose ways of improving the safety of the regional road network.
ABP is a member of the Weighbridge Group, formed by industry to standardise the weighbridge infrastructure and ensure owners and operators are trained and certified.