
ABP supports a number of environmental and local community initiatives across the regions where we operate.
Monitoring and management of threatened species

Monitoring and management of threatened species

ABP regularly undertakes targeted field surveys to identify the presence of threatened species in our high conservation value forest areas. Field surveys include dusk/dawn stag watches (viewing hollows in trees), ground surveys for scat or diggings, bio-acoustic recorders and remote wildlife cameras. Once identified, targeted management programs are developed to improve habitat conditions, mitigate threats and collect vital data that can be shared with external research and conservation organisations.

A pair of Endangered Australasian Bittern (Botaurus poiciloptilus) were found in an ABP managed wetland in June 2020. The Australasian Bittern requires a specialised habitat of dense reed beds in shallow wetlands. It is a shy and elusive species that will stay hidden by standing almost completely still, even swaying in unison with the surrounding reeds.

ABP have implemented conservation works in consultation with the Glenelg-Hopkins Catchment Management Authority and Birdlife Australia to prioritise revegetation of native species along the edge of the wetland, creating a buffer from the adjacent road. As part of this program, ABP increased efforts to control fox populations in the area and will install permanent bio-acoustic recorders as part of the research and conservation works being undertaken by the abovementioned organisations.